Monday, November 07, 2005


Imperialist, n. A political thinker to whom neither a kingdom nor a republic offers the hope of political preferment or other substantial advantage.

2005 Update: The political equivalent of a crap-shooter who, short a die, believes he can toss a seven by adding tables.


Tom & Icy said...

Icy's blogdom

Semisweet1 said...

Very clever, Doug.

Imperialist, n: No one with an American accent in Star Wars.

Sar said...

Bravo Doug - thank you for that excellent update! And, like Semisweet1, I was also reminded of Star Wars; so now Darth Vadar's Imperial March has replaced ...KIBS. I really thank you for that! :P

Minka said...

Imperialism: a word that should have no meaning in our "post"-war era

Unknown said...

r2D, too?

Fred said...

I'll be sure to use your update in my government class. They'll like this one.

Doug The Una said...

Ave, Icy!

S, that's pretty funny. You're right of course. You think if those movies were made now the emperor would say "nucular?"

You're welcome, Sar. Now I've got "Flight of The Valkyries." God save my employees today.

Monika, you're either with us or against us! Where's the Iceland Zone in Iraq, anyway?

Him too, K.

Thanks, Fred. I knew with hard work I could get into the curriculum.

TLP said...

Imperialist,n., A politically advanced warrior who views life as a process by which his army conquers less developed warriors, with a view to economically exploit them.

Semisweet1 said...

I don't know whether he's say nucular or not, but the I'm sure what surrounds us and binds us would be the farce.

Perhaps the ultimate power in the universe would be the Lone Star.

Jamie Dawn said...

Imperialist: The kind of person you never can enjoy playing games with. If they don't sink your Battleships, they will turn over the whole game table.

Doug The Una said...

Wow, TLP. By them do you mean oil?

Nice, S. And to think you were a Republican once.

Hahahaha, Jamie Dawn. Funny!

Omnipotent Poobah said...

Imperialist (n)- See GW Bush.

Well, he does THINK he's a King!

dddragon said...

a pretender to the dairy throne.

(all I can think of is the margarine.)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Poobah. And he is definitely short one die.

Sar said...

Nice one Poobah & touche Weirsdo!

Fyi, since we're on the topic, I got home from lunch out today to find The Imperialist King had left a message on my machine. Granted it was encouraging me to vote for his friend and fellow bigot, Kilgore, but damn that was just an awful offensive to my poor unsuspecting answering machine and my ears!

Doug The Una said...

Poobah, that isn't unfair I don't think.

GrrrrrrOWL!, Asiansmiles

Thanks, Dddragon. Good one. Were they the "It's Not Nice to Fool Mother Nature" folks?

Yeah, Weirsdo, I didn't need to get out my Plutarch (which I don't have anyway) to come up with a model.

Sar, I think you're in one of about five states where that would still happen.

Minka said...

Doug, we joined the USA against Iraque, well, two of our polititions did! We retracted it afterwards though, not that that makes any difference. Maybe we got some oil out of it, I am not sure. It doesn´t seem to be the case though, caus eteh prices for petrol are really steep right now.
We probably got another American reality show for our support. It is almost as essential here as patrol.

Doug The Una said...

Excellent, a4g. You channel Bierce like no-one's business.

You're right, Monika. We reward our friends and allies with reality TV. I'm surprised the UN isn't totally in our palm.

Cooper said...

Imperialist: Someone who treats the world with condescension while gobbling all up.

that or GOOGLE.

Sar said...

*groan* I know, Doug. Unfreakinbelievable.

Doug The Una said...

Alice, love the irony.

Sar, maybe tomorrow will be a new day.

LeMas. said...

argh, I'm still too hung over to think of a definition...maybe in a few days when I'm older I'll have enough wisdom to come up with one.

Doug The Una said...

a4g, shhhh, blogger(TM) is listening.

Masil, in case you lost a day or two this weekend, your birthday is tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Imperialist, n. 1. A conspicuous consumer of land and hope who operates at the margarines of decency (tat-da-da-dah - dig my crown?).