2006 Update: A discrete euphemism for a valued coworker.
Redefining misanthropy for a fresh generation. Standard posts begin with a definition from Ambrose Bierce's The Devil's Dictionary followed by a modern adjustment. Miscellany on Wednesday and storytelling on Saturday.
Seward's Folly, n. not getting a 25% handling fee when brokering a shady real estate transaction.
Just prior to the war, the United States agreed to purchase Alaska from Russia for $1.4 million. Secretary William Henry Seward needed to prevent England from breaking the blockade and declaring her sympathy for the Southern Confederacy. Seward dropped $5.8 million arranging for the Russian fleet to come to New York and San Francisco, a little muscle flexing that worked. The costs were rolled together, and a check for $7,200,000 was made out to Russia for "the Alaska purchase." Nobody was the wiser. Only difference between Tony Soprano and William H. Seward is that Soprano doesn't forget to make worth his while.
This is a dog,
This is a cat.
This is a frog,
This is a rat.
Run, dog, mew, cat.
Jump, frog, gnaw, rat.
His right to govern me is clear as day,-Israfel Brown.
My duty manifest is to disobey;
And if that fit observance e'er I shun
May I and duty be alike undone.
They say that hens do cackle loudest when
There's nothing vital in the eggs they've laid;
And there are hens, professing to have made
A study of mankind, who say that men
Whose business 'tis to drive the tongue or pen
Make the most clamorous fanfaronade
O'er their most worthless work; and I'm afraid
They're not entirely different from the hen.
Lo! the drum-major in his coat of gold,
His blazing breeches and high-towering cap --
Imperiously pompous, grandly bold,
Grim, resolute, an awe-inspiring chap!
Who'd think this gorgeous creature's only virtue
Is that in battle he will never hurt you?
-Hannibal Hunsiker
Remember January 4th, 2006? No?
Well, it was the day the host of this blog decided to threaten us with a shut down. I was two months younger and believed many things, so he kinda black-mailed me into doing this. Now, here I am, rewarding his bad behaviour. But the guy seems to have trouble coming up with definitions on Wednesdays, so I felt we oughta give him a break. Besides, he has puppy eyes!
The word I got?
What in the name of Thor...?
Doug mentioned that word to me once and I thought it had something to do with Pollyanna. I should have known better!
Let´s think about it: poly=more than one
Ladies, need I go on?
So here it goes:
1) absurdly, less common than polygyny. Which just makes me mad and reminds me of days back in Highschool. When a guy is busy playing the field, he is a stud. When a girl does it, she becomes a lady of monetary affection.
2) the Old Testament says: It is OK!
3) An alternative to many short-comings
4) the only quick way to receive multiple “Yes!” (es)
5) or what many call a Saturday night in Reykjavik
If you are interested, I advise a trip to Tibet, Zanskar, Nepal, Sri Lanka or Yunnan in China!
For me it is just a lot of Homogamus!
And might I just add: It has been such an honour just to be nominated amongst those of you who haven´t special-guested yet, but to win the Wednesday post this week has truly been orgasmic!