To read the story, start in Big Pine. Don't worry, there's time.
Today's story is cross-posted on Doug Drones On where Sissy of The Pansi Files will tell her own story sometime Sunday.
Special Bonus track: Doug sings the KIBS (From Ridgecrest to Bridgeport and all along the Eastern Sierra) theme song. Click here.
nothing here. did the story also hit the road, Jack?
wazydp: way too zippy, Doug Pascover
вставай, Амброз! Жду!
*tapping foot*
hey half-sugar, that sounds like Greek graffiti, OK!
Karma, I suspect it's Russian for "I didn't want to hear your stupid story anyhow!"
You're one to talk about patience, Doug!
BASIP will be up by approximately noon TLP time. ;-P
Haha, Aral! Take your time. I'm goin' hiking anyhow.
Great story! I hope your hitchhiking days are behind you... I want want of those 75 lb. hangers!
Well behind, thanks. I wonder if either sibling still has them. I asked a few years ago and they both assured me they did, but I notice no-one offered to show them to me. Maybe a coat of paint would have helped.
Ooooo.... Love the bonus singing! Not bad!
Audioblogger is down right now, which could delay BASIP... glad you're hiking -- instead of hitchhiking! ;-P
What a sweet story. Guess hope always returns with the sun. The poor are always the most generous. Isn't that amazing?
I'm glad you don't hitchhike these days.
Barter, n., One way to avoid paying sales tax.
D, Great story! Well done! I enjoyed it immensely. You have really warmed up to this form.
Someday they'll call you a raconteur.
TLP, shhh! don't tell anybody.
Barter: Rhymes with barber and sounds like you needed one as much as a car and some dough there, mister I HEART DANGER!
Bonus Track: The song that sticks is the song that lasts. "...KIBS" is stuck looping in my head!
Btw, nice voice. :)
Came back for the bonus track, which I hadn't noticed before.
Not bad, Doug. But don't quit your day job.
it happened because you cut up those horeshoes. horseshoes are for luck :P
Thanks, Aral. I'm keeping the day job just in case.
Nope, TLP. My noted career now allows me the luxury of a pick-up with 215,000 miles on it. And a radio to sing along with.
A raconteur in the stories of others. Thanks, S. I like the sound of that.
I know, Sar! I get that earwork everytime I'm on 395, which, mentally, I was this morning. Kind of me to share, wasn't it?
Haha, TLP. Not to fear. If the singing thing doesn't work on I'll sleep on your lawn.
Now ya tell me, K!
You are a man of many talents. Cool b-day gifts!
I'm not good a bartering. I'm a chicken. I just pay what they ask which drives my hubby nuts. He's great at haggling.
Bartar -- Is that from Willie Nelson's recording business deals with other artists where he "will sing on your record if you will sing on mine."
I think semi-sweet said it best.
Keep the day job for at least another lifetime. ;)
to barter or not to barter - that is the question.
Jamie Dawn, I'm not a haggler either. And just so's you know, my welding isn't much better than my singing.
That's funny, Tom. He does that a lot. Of course, we wouldn't have Seven Spanish Angels if he didn't.
Well, Alice, I see there's one young lady I won't be serenading. Humph.
well, mom, I think he sounds MIGHTY fine.
Why can´t I find the Bounus track ???
I can´t haggle either. I always give the exact amount of money I am asked for on the first go...
Never mind, I found the song... :)
After listening to the songs over at AP3's I came back here to apologize. You're the best singer of Saturday.
Doug for Saturday Singer. One vote.
Thank you, Dddragon! They've been using that jingle at KIBS for 20 years that I know. I'm glad you think I honored it.
Monika, I'm gladdish.
Thanks, TLP. That brings the total votes for my singing to 1 for every thirty-eight years I've lived.
Funny, Indie never spoke of these talents during his interview when your name came up. :)
Liz, Indie can't weld horseshoes. I think he's always resented the fact that I can.
I vote that your voice is less annoying than Willie Nelson's.
Thanks for the story, too.
Wait, what do you mean 38 years? You haven't had that birthday yet, right?
Weirsdo, I don't know what to say. Thank you.
Actonbell, I wonder if he let's you sing for biodiesel?
Right, TLP. I set my clock forward early in the Spring, too.
The life you have led, my firend!
I think in today´s society people would be really pleased about a self-made present out of horse-shoes!!!
I can check how much it costs to send a 2kilo present to Iceland...if you were so inclined ;)
you're voice is ALOT more pleasant than Willie's!!
And I'll take one of those horseshoe creations if your sibs don't want them.
Now I'm really, really getting off the computer.
Both the story and the song were hysterical
Please do, Monika. Just so's I don't have to hitch-hike. That's one place I'd hate to run out of luck halfway to.
Thank you, Dddragon. I missed your pure kindness the last couple days.
Hysterical, Pia? Would you Domingo, Pavarotti and that other dude hysterical? Would you call Robeson hysterical?!? Would you look Roger Rabbit in the eye, when he'd sung to you from the depths of his painted heart and call him funny?!?!? Indeed, Madame!
cross-posting. is this the blogosphere equivalent of cross-dressing?
Ignatius, only if you have the feet for it. In my case, it's the blogosphere equivalent of retelling the same joke in the hope it'll be funny the second time.
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