First Nations was asked to define Indigenous.
1. All living things inhabiting a planet
2. Those who have accepted an assignment of identity and made it their native land
3. The people who were there when you got there and who are still there but no longer are the bosses of 'there'. i.e 'the losers' (direct equivalent in popular usage, see
-American Heritage Dictionary def. 1, 2, and 3.
-Wikipedia article)
4. One who blooms where they are planted. "Radix Sustensat Arborae." See also Autochthonous.
5. The opposite of 'Sui Generis' i.e.FirstNations
About First Nations: First Nations writes the funny, wild and blue Paul. Because Paul is a good name. Paul is an awfully funny blog and I think First Nations may be a world-beater in both the important words-per-week statistic and the closely-watched Profanity Index. First Nations nears her peak of humor when she embarrasses her 21-year-old daughter, who seems to have turned out ok somehow, and hits it revising history and scripture. Some examples are here, here, and here. A cautionary advisory: You may wish to avoid her site if you are Catholic, Mormon, otherwise pious, patriotic, puritan, un-tattooed -sued and -blued or if the image of skinny guys naked but for tiny latex wrestling suits and helmets creeps you out as much as it did me.
First Nations is wife to The Yummy Biker, a full-time grandma to a goonybird, and a woman in her 40s who doesn't watch her weight. She is not a baby-boomer, she'll have you know but is mother to the Stainless Steel Amazon Woman, an engineer and cannibal. Oh and if you're one of her neighbors and you're reading this, get your act together. She shares a state with Masil, Mireille, Logo and the Village Idiot, a mouth with Miz B and somehow, someway she's a friend of our elegant and refined friend Kyahgirl. Thanks to First Nations for being a guest and classing up the joint.
How to be a future guest on this site: Just send an email to dpascover at mac dot com. On a future Wednesday, after posting that week's guest, I'll send you an email with a word to define. You'll be expected to return your definition along with a graphic representing either your definition or yourself by the following Saturday. The only rules are no profanity and no novels, please. And whatever I make up at the last minute.